

From the South Atlantic Region of NGC, Inc.

The South Atlantic Region will be offering TWO Scholarships to a rising Junior or Senior in College. The Scholarships are each worth $2000. Each of the Five States in the Region may submit one application to be considered for a Scholarship. A qualifying student is one who is majoring in the study of Horticulture, Floriculture, Landscape Design, Botany, Plant Pathology, Biology, Environmental Conservation, Forestry, Land Management, Agronomy, Agriculture Education, Wildlife Science, City Planning and/or allied subjects.

The Scholarship applications are judged by a committee of SAR Members and presented at the SAR Convention each Spring. Applications may be obtained from the SAR Scholarship Chairman or the Garden Club Scholarship Chairman of each state in the region. The applications are judged using the National Garden Clubs, Inc. Scale of Points.  As long as a Scholarship recipient maintains a “B” average, he/she may reapply each year during their college career.

Complete Applications must be sent to the State Scholarship Chairman by February 1st. Each State’s best application for the SAR Scholarship must be sent to the SAR Scholarship Chairman by March 1st.

The following Scale of Points is used to evaluate each application:

Academic Record

40 %
Applicant’s Letter 30 %
Listing of Honors/ Extracurricular
Activities/ Work Experience
10 %
Financial Need 15 %

5 %

The NGC, Inc. Scholarship Application is due to the NGC Scholarship Chairman and must be postmarked by March 15th. The NGC Chairman will consider only one application from each State, with one exception. Any State having a membership over 10,000 as of January 1st, may submit two applications. These Scholarships are worth $3500.

SAR Members, Scholarships are an important way to secure our future goals in beautification and environmental concerns through Education. Let’s make sure that we send an applicant from each State in our region to the SAR and NGC Scholarship Chairmen for consideration.

 SAR Scholarship Chairman
Phebe Kirkman
101 Brampton Court
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
P: 336-774-0118

Click here to download the Corrie Whitlock Scholarship application.